Root Canal treatment is essential for people who have their pulp of the tooth infected or damaged, causing intense pain. Your tooth pulp contains important tooth nerves, the lymph vessels, and the arteries. Your tooth pulp gets infected due to cavity formation or dental fracture or an injury caused in your tooth in the recent or past, which creates a crack or opening in your tooth. Through these openings bacteria can easily enter the inside of your tooth and cause damage to your root canal. In such circumstances there occurs an increased blood flow to this infected area and hence an increased pressure is built. This pressure developed has no way to escape and when you bite your infected tooth, you feel intense pain in that area.

In worst cases, these infections spread rapid and even affect the bone surrounding the tooth, which leads to still bad pain and you will consult a dentist.  Unable to bare the pain you will request the doctor to remove the tooth that is infected. After tooth removal the neighboring tooth will grow crooked and loses balance and will be at the verge of falling by age. Why do you get into such trouble and lose your healthy teeth when “Root Canal Treatment” is there at your help?

Root Canal Treatment Process

- In the first step, an opening is created into the infected tooth

- The infected tooth pulp is removed and the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned, enlarged and shaped for the next set of filing to be placed

- The cleaning and disinfection process is done using essential oils like Eugenol, phenolic compounds, Sodium Hypochlorite and iodides, performed using a plastic pipette or a syringe

- Temporary filling is done for more than one sitting which is then replaced by permanent filling later

- The vacant canal area is inserted with a tapered, rubbery filling material called gutta-percha and then permanently sealed using cement since gutta-percha is unable to bind with the root canal

- The most common cements used for filling are Zinc oxide Resin Cements and Calcium Hydroxide Cement, known for their binding nature

- Finally, an artificial crown is replaced in place of the destroyed or damaged tooth to regain natural shape and appearance.

Identifying the best dentist to do the root canal procedure for you is really crucial. Fort Lauderdale Dentists are experts in this procedure and worth the money you spend on getting your infected tooth regained.


    JJ Dental of Ft. Lauderdale offers general and cosmetic dentistry to residents of Florida. We specialize in creating great smiles  in a comfortable and friendly environment. From dental implants to teeth whitening you can be sure you’re in good hands with JJ Dental of Fort Lauderdale, FL.


    June 2013
    May 2013
    April 2013

